If your marketing team has been working hard to improve your diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts, but things aren’t happening as fast as you like, then I’d like to help you create a major business breakthrough.
Are you keeping up with the times?
The industry is changing and inclusive marketing is on the rise. Marketing campaigns and DEI communications have to touch multiple points while remaining inclusive to all audiences.
We know marketing is a broad industry and DEI is a primary topic right now. In this current climate, it is vital for the human resources and marketing departments to have a conversation. The success of an external campaign depends on the success of developing internal teams. Here’s what I’ve come up with:
The 5-Point Framework to Inclusive Marketing:
- Content & Communications
- Candidates
- Culture
- Consumers (B2B and B2C)
- Community
Whether you are a seasoned HR, DEI Officer, or CMO, if you are addressing this topic for the first time, let’s chat.
Book a 30-minute Inclusive Marketing Session and we’ll work together to:
- Uncover hidden challenges or pitfalls that are hindering the growth of your marketing team.
- Finding and hiring Black marketers, BIPOC, or diverse talent.
- Initiate or review marketing campaign pre-or-post launch.
- Provide diversity marketing audits and assessments.
This is a limited-time offer and I’m not sure how the responses will be. I can’t guarantee a session for everyone.
I’ll take as many people as I can for now. Maybe I’ll start a waiting list.
Either way, you’re invited to take advantage of this special, limited-time (and totally FREE) 30-minute Inclusive Marketing Session.
I’m ready to schedule my appointment!
If you are looking for more extensive work, check out my speaking topics on inclusive marketing or the company page Line 25 Consulting for a full list of services.