Luvvie Ajayi aka as Awesomely Luvvie is a NY Times Best Selling Author with her book I’m Judging You: The Do Better Manual. She started blogging 14 years ago and has pioneered through becoming a highly sought out digital strategist and keynote speaker. I was able to snag a few minutes to talk to her about her journey as she is days away to speak at the Houston Museum of African-American Culture on Saturday, April 22, 2016.
Quote: “When I started taking more risk that is when really cool things started to happen.”
Questions I Ask:
- How have you measured the balance between activities and goals?
- Can you speak to the importance of having a community when you are putting efforts to grow something.
- How did the collaboration of Tees In The Trap come about?
3 Learning Points:
- How blogging has shifted over the past 10 years?
- How to rise to your truth?
- Red Pump Project (Luvvie’s nonprofit with Karyn)
Success is doing what I love on my own terms and being able to live comfortably from it.
Contact Luvvie:
- Awesomely Luvvie
- Awesomely Techie
- Red Pump Project
- I’m Judging You Book
- I’m Judging You Audio
Additional Mentions:
Sponsors: Tees In The Trap
Follow me on Instagram @michellengome
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