Cesar Rincon draws from 20+ years in sales and marketing to do what he loves most: helping people open their eyes and see the possibilities.
Networking & Dating Part 1: The Musings of a Matchmaker with Amber Neal
Amber Neal known CEO of Matchmaker Enterprise and is known as Houston’s Millionaire Matchmaker. I first met Amber a few years ago at Mayor Annise Parker’s Christmas Party and have followed her online ever since. She was an absolute delight to talk to as we explore her personal journey and she drops jewels throughout the show.
Michelle Smith – The Shift Starter: What’s Your Shift Starter Moment?
Michelle A. Smith is the published author of “The Invisible Chameleon – Changing Your Color, Shifting and Reaching a Desired Goal.” A self-awareness strategist, who believes that when people tap into their core qualities and characteristics, transformation happens – not only for the individual but, the people around them, and the entire world. As the Shift Starter, she […]
How Efficient is Your Business? The Paperless Expert – Melissa Ambers
Melissa Ambers is extraordinary as a paperless expert and project manager with over fifteen years of experience in corporate and meeting event planning. Founder and CEO of Melissa Ambers, Paperless Expert.
Four Key Elements to Business with Leigh Johnson
Principal consultant, Leigh Johnson, started Livication Business Group, LLC to provide the small and medium-sized businesses & organizations of the greater Houston area with the type of dedicated operations improvement and business consulting services that are typically only available to larger entities. The idea started as a way for Leigh to combine his two passions […]