Tiffany Taylor Hicks is a training consultant and business strategist of the Velvet Rope Experience. This is a great interview for the solopreneur and small business owner to find the small elements that distinguish you from your competition. In this episode we discuss how to create a memorable customer experience: The biggest problems small […]
personal branding
Raise Your Visibility & Value with Ed Evarts
Ed Evarts is the founder of Excellius Leadership Development and author of Raise Your Visibility & Value: Uncover the Lost Art of Connecting On The Job. In this episode we discuss: What Ed says is the million dollar question How we can add empathy as a leader How production influences our reputation Why Ed […]
Time To Make Some Noise: 7 Steps To Creating an Influential Personal Brand
Over the past four years, I have learned a lot about cultivating an influential brand that has led to publishing books, launching a podcast, speaking gigs, and leadership roles. While building my business I have learned valuable lessons from leveraging platforms to social media strategies and relationship building that have allowed me to grow in […]
Influencer Marketing Blueprint: Microinfluencers & Content Marketing with Shane Barker
Shane Barker is an accomplished digital marketing consultant. From working with celebrities on digital reputation management to obtaining a #1 national ranking with PROskore as a social media consultant, Shane has built an impressive list of accomplishments in digital marketing. As a regular contributor to publications like Salesforce, Yahoo Small Business, Marketing Profs and others, […]
Gaining People’s Attention: Video & YouTube Marketing with Roberto Blake
Roberto Blake is the CEO and Creative Director of Create Awesome Media, LLC., where he develops and produces digital content and online media properties. Currently he is the host of a popular Creative Education Channel on YouTube, “Always Be Creating”. Roberto also host and co-produces the “Create Something Awesome Today Podcast”, in partnership with Liebsmedia. […]